martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

How the Coronavirus Will Change Travel

A solitary airplane at an airport during sunset
Posted: 03/31/20 | March 21st, 2020

On a breezy fall morning, I was walking home from my university’s humanities department after trying to get out of my Spanish language requirement to no avail. On the way, I ran into one of my roommates. He mentioned he had heard that a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.

By the time I got home and turned on the TV, both towers were on fire and it was clear this was much more than a small plane gone off course.

In the days and weeks following September 11th, the world changed. Even to my young self, I could feel in my bones that nothing would ever be the same again. There was a pre-9/11 world and we were now forever in a post-9/11 world.

While the later 2008 financial crisis changed the economy and our views on money, 9/11 seemed to change who we fundamentally were as people. It created a shift in thinking and our sense of self. It changed how we Americans viewed the world. There was a “lost innocence.”

As the Coronavirus has rapidly unfolded in the last month, I feel that way again, except this time on a global scale. There was a pre-Coronavirus world and now we will forever be in a post-Coronavirus world.

From how we work, travel, view government, money, and conduct our day-to-day lives, everything is going to be different. And the longer the crisis lasts, the more different it will be. I can’t say just how yet (I’m a bad futurist) but, in my gut, I know change is coming.

But let’s talk about something I do know a bit about: the travel industry.

How is this going to change travel?

The travel industry relies on human movement to function. And, with countrywide lockdowns and most major airlines ceasing operations, no one is moving right now.

Overnight, an industry that employs 10% of the world has come to a near-complete stop.

This is worse than a recession. Because, even in a recession, some people still traveling.

Now no one is moving. The industry is in stasis.

And no one knows how long this is going to last.

Hubei province, the site of the outbreak in China, was in lockdown for over two months. Hong Kong and Singapore, reeling from a recent spike in infections, have relocked down their cities.

And I think that the slow pace of such measures in many countries means most of the world will be in lockdown until May if not early June. Too many people are behind the curve and it will take longer to keep the virus under control than most people think.

So what does this mean for the industry I’ve spent the last twelve years in?

As a whole, I think we’re looking at a drastically smaller travel industry for the foreseeable future. WTTC states that they expect 75 million job loses (at a rate of up to 1 million jobs lost per day).

And it will take years for the industry – and the jobs – to return to pre-Coronavirus levels.

For starters, I don’t think many magazines and online publications will make it through. The 2008 financial crisis shuttered the doors of a lot of publications and those around today live off advertising, brand deals, and events. Ad rates are plummeting as traffic plummets and most brand deals are on hold for now.

With publications furloughing employees, giving pay cuts, and seeing lost revenue that will never come back, if this goes on longer, I think you’ll see around 25% of publications go under. I know four that closed last week. More will come. And those that survive will be smaller and be able to hire few writers.

Additionally, a lot of creators, YouTubers, freelance writers, and bloggers rely on brand partnerships for revenue. The freelance writing market is not a land of riches and, with the majority of writers and online content creators living on thin margins and paycheck to paycheck, the prospect of months of zero income is going to drive people out of the industry. I know a few already looking for the exit. I think 30-40% of people might end up leaving if the industry remains frozen to June.

Moreover, I think many hostels, travel start-ups, and small tour operators will go under too. Most small businesses operate with the tiniest of margins and don’t have a lot of liquidity. They keep enough cash on hand to get by without income for just a few weeks. A sustained shock to their business like this, even with government assistance, is going to simply bankrupt companies. They have too much overhead and costs to sustain them. Many will fold and, when you travel again, you will see fewer hostels, food and walking tour companies, and small tour operators.

When this is all over, I expect it to take years for the travel industry to recover. People will slowly start booking travel again but, like the 2008 crisis, it is going to leave many unemployed and, when you don’t have a job, travel is not a priority. It is luxury people will put off.

I think as the world opens up around the end of May/early June (provided there’s no second spike in infections), people will begin to start booking travel again for later in the summer. Business travel will pick up first but I think most of the tourism you’ll see initially will be local. People will travel around their region before they start taking big international trips again.

First, because it’s cheaper. This pandemic is going to cause a huge recession and massive job loses and, as I said, travel is a luxury and when people are unemployed or have exhausted their savings, big international trips won’t be on their agenda. Second, people will be wary of the risk of another potential outbreak. They will be concerned about picking up the virus as well as being stuck if something happens so until everyone is 100% sure they are fine, people will be more cautious in their travels.

And the cruise industry? Well, ships floating petri dishes and, no matter how good the deals, most people won’t want to get on a ship for the foreseeable future. I believe this will permanently shrink the cruise industry. Images of cruise ships unable to dock in countries will scar our psyche for years to come.

Additionally, I think countries are going to be wary about fully opening up until they know they won’t be importing the virus and there’s some treatment or vaccine. No one wants to open their borders and have a second wave of infections that overloads their healthcare system. I wouldn’t be surprised if you start to see more temperature checks in airports and I wouldn’t be if countries started asking for proof you are COVID-19 negative.

While you will probably see a lot of travel deals as companies just try to cover their costs and stay afloat, I think the whole “hop on the plane and travel” thing is going to be a lot harder until we reach a point where we have a treatment regime and vaccine for this virus.

But, maybe, the silver lining (and I always try to look for one) is that this will lead to more sustainable tourism as countries try to reduce crowds in hopes of keeping the virus in check.

Maybe this is the end of overtourism.

Whatever happens, travel is going to be a very different and smaller industry in the post-Coronavirus world.

P.S. – To keep this website community-focused and community-supported, we’ve launched a Patreon! While you can still access this website for free, Patreon members get access to private content and articles, monthly Q&As, bonus Instagram videos, free books, postcards, entry to our events, and more! Click here to learn more and became part of the club!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!

The post How the Coronavirus Will Change Travel appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 31, 2020 at 10:20AM

by IHholiday Travel trip

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

An Update on Life with Coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus as a digital image
Posted: 03/26/20 | March 26th, 2020

As many of you know, I have the coronavirus. Well, had. I’ve recovered. Luckily, I had a mild case. It felt like a really bad cold. My fever lasted only a few days, and the cough lasted until about day twelve. (Today is day fourteen.)

Given how bad this virus can be — even for people my age (I’m almost forty) — I count myself very lucky. (If you want to read about my experience, I posted about it here and here.)

I hardly ever get sick so this was a scary experience for me. I was mostly worried by reports saying that between days eight and ten, patients could suddenly crash and end up in the ICU. I knew I was probably fine when the fever broke, but until day ten, I never really felt out of the woods.

Additionally, as someone who loves to wake up early, I found the lethargy that came with being sick demoralizing, which made the experience even worse. It weighed heavily on my mental state, which in turn made me feel physically worse.

Here I was, trapped inside, where I could theoretically at least work, read, and watch movies — and I spent the majority of the day sleeping! I just ended up scrolling social media, which is never a good thing even in the best of times, and that just made my anxiety and emotional state worse.

However, I’m on the mend but will be quarantined for the foreseeable future. No one is watching my door, but I plan to be a good human and stay inside. I hope to get retested but, with tests so limited, I doubt I will be able to. They say you can shed the virus for up to three weeks (no one really knows for sure) so I’ll just avoid people for the next three weeks to be on the safe side. I do not want to spread this.

While the days in quarantine have been slow, now that I’m feeling better, I’ve been able to resume work (writing and fixing up the website). When not working, I’ve started to finally catch up on my binge-worthy shows (Altered Carbon and The Man in High Castle are great!) and reading (so far just finishing some books I started already, but I’m looking into diving into a wide range of sci-fi, history, and travel books in the coming weeks).

I look forward to the day I can leave my house and go for a walk. I’d always taken for granted the ability to just go outside. Not anymore. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do at home, but I do yearn for the outdoors. I fully plan to take more advantage of the outside when this is all over. (I suspect we all will.)

I guess it is true what they say: you don’t really appreciate things until they are gone.


On another note, watching the travel industry grind to a halt while having employees has been really mentally tough. It keeps me up a lot at night. I’ve already started seeing friends of mine lose their jobs and I know a few companies about to head under. It’s been sad to see. Even in a recession, people still travel.

But now? No one is going anywhere. March has felt like the longest decade of my life and it’s only going to get worse. I have a whole post coming out on what I think will happen to the travel industry because of this but it’s going to be bad.

This site (usually) gets a lot of traffic and we do very well, most of that goes back into other business endeavors (our conference TravelCon, our charity FLYTE, new projects, and all the events we do) so we don’t have a huge cushion.

If this website were just me, it wouldn’t be a problem but, with four full-time employees, a lot of my day is spent worrying about how I can make payroll.

Hopefully, we’ll make it through and people will start traveling again in late May/early June. All our fallback plans assumed people would still travel. We never imagined there would be no travel in the world. As Monty Python said, no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.

But the team and I are on the same page and we’ll figure out a way through.

This year, we were turning toward events and community initiatives through our Nomadic Network program.

But, since we should all be inside now (let’s flatten the curve so we can end this as quickly as possible), we can’t do events. But there’s a lot we can do virtually:

First, I’m all over Instagram these days, posting lots of updates from home and doing some live Q&As. Follow me there for updates, posts, and streams!

Second, I started a service where you can text me about travel, life, and anything else and I’ll respond. For real! My number is +1 (617) 284-0863. See, here’s a pic of me with the number so you know it’s real:

Nomadic Matt holding a sign with his phone number on it

Finally, as I’m passing time by writing new blog posts, I’d love to know if there are any topics you’d like me to write about. If so, leave them in the comments!

Let’s chat and pass the time. Now is when we need community the most. Let’s be here for each other during these trying times.

I hope you are FaceTiming the people that are important to you more often!

– Matt

P.S. – Some of you have asked if there’s anything you can do to help and we have some easy ways to do so:

Additionally, we started a Patreon. While you can continue to use this site for free, if you want to get more out of your experience here, we’ve created a program where each month you can get exclusive content, live chats, Q&A sessions, free books, and a lot more!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!

The post An Update on Life with Coronavirus appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 26, 2020 at 10:22AM

by IHholiday Travel trip

An Update on Life with Coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus as a digital image
Posted: 03/26/20 | March 26th, 2020

As many of you know, I have the coronavirus. Well, had. I’ve recovered. Luckily, I had a mild case. It felt like a really bad cold. My fever lasted only a few days, and the cough lasted until about day twelve. (Today is day fourteen.)

Given how bad this virus can be — even for people my age (I’m almost forty) — I count myself very lucky. (If you want to read about my experience, I posted about it here and here.)

I hardly ever get sick so this was a scary experience for me. I was mostly worried by reports saying that between days eight and ten, patients could suddenly crash and end up in the ICU. I knew I was probably fine when the fever broke, but until day ten, I never really felt out of the woods.

Additionally, as someone who loves to wake up early, I found the lethargy that came with being sick demoralizing, which made the experience even worse. It weighed heavily on my mental state, which in turn made me feel physically worse.

Here I was, trapped inside, where I could theoretically at least work, read, and watch movies — and I spent the majority of the day sleeping! I just ended up scrolling social media, which is never a good thing even in the best of times, and that just made my anxiety and emotional state worse.

However, I’m on the mend but will be quarantined for the foreseeable future. No one is watching my door, but I plan to be a good human and stay inside. I hope to get retested but, with tests so limited, I doubt I will be able to. They say you can shed the virus for up to three weeks (no one really knows for sure) so I’ll just avoid people for the next three weeks to be on the safe side. I do not want to spread this.

While the days in quarantine have been slow, now that I’m feeling better, I’ve been able to resume work (writing and fixing up the website). When not working, I’ve started to finally catch up on my binge-worthy shows (Altered Carbon and The Man in High Castle are great!) and reading (so far just finishing some books I started already, but I’m looking into diving into a wide range of sci-fi, history, and travel books in the coming weeks).

I look forward to the day I can leave my house and go for a walk. I’d always taken for granted the ability to just go outside. Not anymore. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do at home, but I do yearn for the outdoors. I fully plan to take more advantage of the outside when this is all over. (I suspect we all will.)

I guess it is true what they say: you don’t really appreciate things until they are gone.


On another note, watching the travel industry grind to a halt while having employees has been really mentally tough. It keeps me up a lot at night. I’ve already started seeing friends of mine lose their jobs and I know a few companies about to head under. It’s been sad to see. Even in a recession, people still travel.

But now? No one is going anywhere. March has felt like the longest decade of my life and it’s only going to get worse. I have a whole post coming out on what I think will happen to the travel industry because of this but it’s going to be bad.

This site (usually) gets a lot of traffic and we do very well, most of that goes back into other business endeavors (our conference TravelCon, our charity FLYTE, new projects, and all the events we do) so we don’t have a huge cushion.

If this website were just me, it wouldn’t be a problem but, with four full-time employees, a lot of my day is spent worrying about how I can make payroll.

Hopefully, we’ll make it through and people will start traveling again in late May/early June. All our fallback plans assumed people would still travel. We never imagined there would be no travel in the world. As Monty Python said, no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.

But the team and I are on the same page and we’ll figure out a way through.

This year, we were turning toward events and community initiatives through our Nomadic Network program.

But, since we should all be inside now (let’s flatten the curve so we can end this as quickly as possible), we can’t do events. But there’s a lot we can do virtually:

First, I’m all over Instagram these days, posting lots of updates from home and doing some live Q&As. Follow me there for updates, posts, and streams!

Second, I started a service where you can text me about travel, life, and anything else and I’ll respond. For real! My number is +1 (617) 284-0863. See, here’s a pic of me with the number so you know it’s real:

Nomadic Matt holding a sign with his phone number on it

Finally, as I’m passing time by writing new blog posts, I’d love to know if there are any topics you’d like me to write about. If so, leave them in the comments!

Let’s chat and pass the time. Now is when we need community the most. Let’s be here for each other during these trying times.

I hope you are FaceTiming the people that are important to you more often!

– Matt

P.S. – Some of you have asked if there’s anything you can do to help and we have some easy ways to do so:

Additionally, we started a Patreon. While you can continue to use this site for free, if you want to get more out of your experience here, we’ve created a program where each month you can get exclusive content, live chats, Q&A sessions, free books, and a lot more!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!

The post An Update on Life with Coronavirus appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 26, 2020 at 10:22AM

by IHholiday Travel trip

An Update on Life with Coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus as a digital image
Posted: 03/26/20 | March 26th, 2020

As many of you know, I have the coronavirus. Well, had. I’ve recovered. Luckily, I had a mild case. It felt like a really bad cold. My fever lasted only a few days, and the cough lasted until about day twelve. (Today is day fourteen.)

Given how bad this virus can be — even for people my age (I’m almost forty) — I count myself very lucky. (If you want to read about my experience, I posted about it here and here.)

I hardly ever get sick so this was a scary experience for me. I was mostly worried by reports saying that between days eight and ten, patients could suddenly crash and end up in the ICU. I knew I was probably fine when the fever broke, but until day ten, I never really felt out of the woods.

Additionally, as someone who loves to wake up early, I found the lethargy that came with being sick demoralizing, which made the experience even worse. It weighed heavily on my mental state, which in turn made me feel physically worse.

Here I was, trapped inside, where I could theoretically at least work, read, and watch movies — and I spent the majority of the day sleeping! I just ended up scrolling social media, which is never a good thing even in the best of times, and that just made my anxiety and emotional state worse.

However, I’m on the mend but will be quarantined for the foreseeable future. No one is watching my door, but I plan to be a good human and stay inside. I hope to get retested but, with tests so limited, I doubt I will be able to. They say you can shed the virus for up to three weeks (no one really knows for sure) so I’ll just avoid people for the next three weeks to be on the safe side. I do not want to spread this.

While the days in quarantine have been slow, now that I’m feeling better, I’ve been able to resume work (writing and fixing up the website). When not working, I’ve started to finally catch up on my binge-worthy shows (Altered Carbon and The Man in High Castle are great!) and reading (so far just finishing some books I started already, but I’m looking into diving into a wide range of sci-fi, history, and travel books in the coming weeks).

I look forward to the day I can leave my house and go for a walk. I’d always taken for granted the ability to just go outside. Not anymore. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do at home, but I do yearn for the outdoors. I fully plan to take more advantage of the outside when this is all over. (I suspect we all will.)

I guess it is true what they say: you don’t really appreciate things until they are gone.


On another note, watching the travel industry grind to a halt while having employees has been really mentally tough. It keeps me up a lot at night. I’ve already started seeing friends of mine lose their jobs and I know a few companies about to head under. It’s been sad to see. Even in a recession, people still travel.

But now? No one is going anywhere. March has felt like the longest decade of my life and it’s only going to get worse. I have a whole post coming out on what I think will happen to the travel industry because of this but it’s going to be bad.

This site (usually) gets a lot of traffic and we do very well, most of that goes back into other business endeavors (our conference TravelCon, our charity FLYTE, new projects, and all the events we do) so we don’t have a huge cushion.

If this website were just me, it wouldn’t be a problem but, with four full-time employees, a lot of my day is spent worrying about how I can make payroll.

Hopefully, we’ll make it through and people will start traveling again in late May/early June. All our fallback plans assumed people would still travel. We never imagined there would be no travel in the world. As Monty Python said, no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.

But the team and I are on the same page and we’ll figure out a way through.

This year, we were turning toward events and community initiatives through our Nomadic Network program.

But, since we should all be inside now (let’s flatten the curve so we can end this as quickly as possible), we can’t do events. But there’s a lot we can do virtually:

First, I’m all over Instagram these days, posting lots of updates from home and doing some live Q&As. Follow me there for updates, posts, and streams!

Second, I started a service where you can text me about travel, life, and anything else and I’ll respond. For real! My number is +1 (617) 284-0863. See, here’s a pic of me with the number so you know it’s real:

Nomadic Matt holding a sign with his phone number on it

Finally, as I’m passing time by writing new blog posts, I’d love to know if there are any topics you’d like me to write about. If so, leave them in the comments!

Let’s chat and pass the time. Now is when we need community the most. Let’s be here for each other during these trying times.

I hope you are FaceTiming the people that are important to you more often!

– Matt

P.S. – Some of you have asked if there’s anything you can do to help and we have some easy ways to do so:

Additionally, we started a Patreon. While you can continue to use this site for free, if you want to get more out of your experience here, we’ve created a program where each month you can get exclusive content, live chats, Q&A sessions, free books, and a lot more!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!

The post An Update on Life with Coronavirus appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 26, 2020 at 10:22AM

by IHholiday Travel trip

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Don’t Have (Travel) Regrets

no travel regrets
Updated: 3/24/2020 | March 24th, 2020

When I went to college (university as non-Americans say), a few of my friends studied abroad. They came back glowing from life-changing experiences, telling stories of new friends, spontaneous trips to exotic locations, foreign beauties, “weird” food, and life lessons learned. Their tales made it sound like they lived through a coming of age movie.

I thought of doing it myself. How exciting it must be! To be in a foreign country, learning a new language, reinventing yourself, meeting foreign girls, and being able to legally drink. For a college student, it sounded like magic.

But, though I took the forms to fill out each semester, I never studied abroad.

Semester after semester passed and I let the opportunities slip by.


For a simple reason: FEAR.

I was always too afraid. I wasn’t afraid of what would happen or if I would succeed. No, I had a worse kind of fear: FOMO. The fear of missing out. I worried constantly that life back home would pass me by and I’d be forgotten.

What changes would happen with my friends? What parties would I miss? What gossip? What if there was some big event at school and I wasn’t there? What inside jokes would I not be a part of? What if the President came? What if this! What if that!

As a shy, unconfident college kid, I never wanted to leave because I was (incorrectly) afraid that if I left, I’d come back and life would have moved on without me and I’d be a stranger to those around me.

I didn’t want to hear stories from my friends about things they did while I was away — I wanted to be a part of those experiences. In my mind, I knew I would have created my own stories abroad but I was too afraid about what stories I would miss if I left.

So I stayed at home.

And, though I did eventually go traveling, I regret not studying abroad.

You can’t change the past. And maybe if I had studied abroad I never would have gone traveling later or made this website. You can’t be mired in what ifs. You can only make the best decisions you can at the time with the information you have.

But I regret the decision because I let fear win.

I let fear rule my life. I went with the devil I knew because it was easier. I allowed me to stay in my comfort zone and never really test myself. I could always have the dream of “what might have been” without actually having to do it.

I put off a great experience because I was afraid of what the future might have happened.

You can’t let the fear win. Fear is the enemy of your dreams.

no travel regrets

It was a hard lesson to learn but missing out on studying abroad showed me that you can’t let your fear hold you back. In previous posts, I’ve written about how now is a good time to travel because of the economy and about how the only secret to long term traveling is desire.

But even those with the greatest desire to travel can still be held back by fear.

The Dutch have a saying: “He who is outside his door already has the hardest part of his journey behind him.”

If you talk to any traveler, they will all tell you the same thing: nothing changes back home. People might get a new job or a new girlfriend. Maybe they will move. Someone might get married. A restaurant might close. A bar might no longer be cool.

But the day to day life will be the same and when you know that, you’ll thank yourself for not giving into fear.

Life never gives you the same chance twice. Doors don’t reopen. Once they shut, they shut for good.

It’s easier to travel than you think. Once you take that first step out the door, anything is possible. Whether it’s a two week trip to Bali, a year-long trip around the world, or finally taking the family to Disney, get going now because you are missing a big world out there.

I regret never leaving to study abroad.

I can’t take back my decision but I can make sure I am never afraid to step out the door again.

Because, in the end, what will you regret not going more than you’ll regret going.

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day

how to travel the world on $50 a dayMy New York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel save money, get off the beaten path, and have a more local, richer travel experiences. Click here to learn more about the book, how it can help you, and you can start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines. Start with Momondo.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates. (Here’s the proof.)

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. I never ever go on a trip without it. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. You should too.

Need Some Gear?
Check out our resource page for the best companies to use!

The post Don’t Have (Travel) Regrets appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 24, 2020 at 04:54PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

28 Things to See and Do in San Francisco

The famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA at sunset
Updated: 03/24/20 | March 24th, 2020

I loved visiting San Francisco from the start. It’s a city home to hippies, techies, artists, immigrants, students, and everyone in between. There’s incredible music, wold-class food for all budgets, some of the BEST Asian food in the country, parks galore, and amazing bohemian vibe to it.

With so many diverse influences, it’s no surprise that San Francisco has evolved into a world-class city that has a ton of amazing things to see and do.

Personally, I love visiting San Francisco for the food. It’s home to some of the best Asian and Mexican food in the country (as well as some incredible cafes).

But there is also much more to see here too. And just because it’s an expensive place to live doesn’t mean a visit has to break the bank either.

To help you plan your trip, here are the best 28 things to see and do in San Francisco

1. Take a Free Walking Tour

The first thing I do whenever I arrive in a new destination is to take a walking tour. It’s the best way to get the lay of the land, see the highlights, and ask your questions to an expert local guide. Free Tours By Foot has a few different FREE options available covering different areas of the city. (Just make sure to tip your guide)

If you want something more in-depth, there are also plenty of paid tours you can take. Take Walks is my go-to walking tour company and they offer some interesting tours around the city. If you want to really learn a lot (while having fun), book a tour with them!

2. Walk the Golden Gate Bridge

The famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA in the summer
There is no question that the iconic Golden Gate Bridge is one of San Francisco’s most famous landmarks. Opened in 1937, it’s arguably the most-photographed bridge in the world. At its inception, it was both the longest and the tallest suspension bridge in the world, spanning 4,200 feet (1,280m) long and standing 746 feet (227m) tall.

You can walk across the bridge (which I recommended) or just stare at it from every angle and snap your own iconic photos. If you have time, make your way to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It has a waterfront promenade, sweeping views of the bridge, and a few easy hiking trails.

3. Visit Crissy Field

This park is located near the bridge and makes for a nice follow-up. It has a beach, some restaurants, piers where you can see locals fishing, and plenty of green space to relax. It offers some sweeping views of the harbor, making it a laid-back place to come in the summer to have a picnic, lounge in the sun, and watch life go by.

4. See The Palace of Fine Arts

The Palace of Fine Arts is a Roman-style remnant of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition (a world’s fair held in San Francisco). The outdoor rotunda and its lagoon are another one of the city’s most photographed sights. It’s also a fun social destination where you can bring friends to play giant Jenga, cornhole, ping pong, and other games. The city often has events here.

601 Lyon Street, +1 415-608-2220, Open Tuesday-Sunday from 10am-5pm. Admission is free (some events charge admission).

5. Wander Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39

The wharf was originally dominated by Italian immigrants who helped popularize the city’s fish market. To this day, you can watch fishermen at work in Fish Alley (the main street where the fishermen work). If you want to try some of the mouthwatering seafood that San Francisco is famous for, I sugged Waterbar and the Anchor Oyster Bar.

Pier 39 is touristy but it’s also a fun way to spend an hour or so. There are buskers, tacky souvenir shops, arcades, an aquarium, and tons of overpriced restaurants (so avoid eating here).

6. Explore Alcatraz

The infamous Alcatraz prison on an island off of San Francisco, USA
Alcatraz is probably the most famous (or infamous) prison in America. From 1934-1963, it housed the country’s most notorious criminals (criminals like Al Capone). In its 29 year history, not a single prisoner successfully escaped (or so they say). After its closure, it became a national landmark. Visitors can explore the island, learn about the prison and what life was like as an inmate, and tour the interior. It gets very busy in the summer so be sure to book ahead.

+1 415-981-7625, Tours run daily year-round and cost $39.90 USD which includes an audio tour.

7. Take a Day Trip to Berkeley

Located just 20 minutes across the bay by car, Berkeley is home to music, hippies, students, and the University of California – Berkeley (30% of the city’s population go to school here). You can take a tour of the campus (self-guided or guided), hike up the Berkeley Hills, or shop on Fourth Street (the main thoroughfare). You’ll also find lots of vegan and vegetarian restaurants, street performers, and eclectic shops to browse.

8. Hang out in the Mission

For an amazing view of the city, head to Dolores Park in the Mission District. If you’re a history buff, don’t miss the Misión San Francisco de Asís (Mission Dolores). Founded in 1776, it’s the oldest surviving structure in the city and home to the only cemetery within city limits. It’s the structure that gives this part of town its name.

The Mission District is also a fun place to spend a night out. The district has tons of great Mexican restaurants as well as lively bars and clubs. Grab a burrito at Taqueria Cancún or Papolete, or visit one of the cocktail bars on 16th (Dalva is good).

9. See Lombard Street

This is the world’s windiest street. Surrounded by gardens and flowers, it’s made up of eight hairpin turns because, during the 1920s, people in San Francisco were beginning to drive around in automobiles. However, many of the city’s famous hills were too steep to navigate. The idea of using a curved street to help vehicles move downhill was embraced and the hill’s slope went from 27% to 16%. Now you can watch the cars and bikers navigate the sharp turns as tourists gawk at them.

10. Visit Coit Tower

Perched atop Telegraph Hill, this art deco tower was built in 1933. Standing 180-feet tall (55m), it’s home to over 25 murals and offers a panoramic view of the city. The murals here were painted in 1934 by local artists and depict life in San Francisco during the Depression. The tower became a San Francisco Designated Landmark in 1984 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2008.

1 Telegraph Hill Blvd, +1 315-249-0995, Open daily from 10am-5pm (6pm in the summer). Admission is $6 USD for city residents and $9 USD for visitors.

11. Eat in Chinatown

This is the biggest Chinatown in the United States (and it’s the second most famous, after New York City. Chinese immigrants first came to the West Coast in the 1850s and set up shop in San Francisco. Due to racial segregation, this neighborhood became predominantly Chinese and remained so even after segregation ended.

It’s one of the best places in the city to eat and you can find some incredible dim sum here. There are also lots of great teahouses, bars, souvenir stalls, and fortune cookie makers.

To really learn about the area, its history, and its people, take a walking tour with Take Walks. They’re my go-to walking tour company because they use expert local guides and their tours are always fun and educational.

12. Ride the Cable Cars

The famous streetcars of San Francisco, USA
No visit to San Francisco is complete without riding on a cable car. The cable car system in San Francisco is the last manually-operated system in the entire world. Of the 22 lines that were originally created in the 19th century, only three are still in operation. Since there is limited seating (and since they are one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city) waits can be long. Make sure you plan ahead (try to go during a weekday when there are fewer visitors). Tickets are $7 USD.

13. Go on a Harbor Tour

For a completely different look at the city, take an afternoon cruise of San Francisco Bay. You’ll get to see some wildlife, snap some great photos, and learn about the bay and its place in San Francisco’s history. Around 40% of California, drains into the bay and the area is home to all kinds of snakes, rays, otters, sharks, whales, sea lions, and more. A budget-friendly way to see the bay is to take the public ferries for $7.30 USD.

You can find prices and routes at

14. Hang out in the Castro

San Fransico has been the de facto gay capital of the US since the 60s and 70s. The gay hub in the city is the Castro, San Francisco’s famous gay neighborhood (Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California, had his office here). The neighborhood has a number of ethnic and modern restaurants as well as a bunch that serve locally-sourced organic food. On top of that, there are a plethora of wild and fun clubs that cater to both gay and straight crowds. If you’re looking for a fun nightlife, this is the neighborhood for you.

15. Explore Haight-Ashbury

The birthplace of America’s counterculture, the Haight was ground zero during the summer of 1967, a.k.a. The Summer of Love. Hippies used to live here but, eventually, all the colorful Victorian homes were bought up by more well-off residents as the area gentrified. It’s now home to high-end boutiques, hip cages, and chic restaurants. That said, you can still find some record stores, dive bars, and vintage clothing stores here.

If you really want to learn more about the area’s hippy past, take the Flower Power Walking Tour. It’s just $20 USD and will walk you through the neighborhood’s vibrant and eclectic past.

16. Rollerskate in Church

The Church of 8 Wheels is a former church that has been converted to an old school rollerskating arena. They have DJs and live music so it’s essentially a party on wheels. Admission is $10 USD and you can rent skates for $5 USD. It’s a cheap (and unique) way to have fun and meet people. There are times for both kids and adults too and they even organize lessons for people who have never roller-skated before.

554 Fillmore St., +1 415-752-1967, Open Friday-Sunday. Check the website for times as there are both all-ages and adult-only events.

17. See Muir Woods

The massive trees in the serene Muir Woods in San Francisco, USA
Named after famed naturalist John Muir, it’s located just 16 miles from downtown so its an easy place to visit. The place is home to over 240 acres of towering old-growth redwood trees. While the trees here are not as big as the sequoia trees in nearby Sequoia National Park, it’s nevertheless a relaxing place to visit. There are plenty of walking trails and it’s family/kid-friendly too.

18. Visit the Beat Museum

Dedicated to the Beat Generation (the 1950s counter-culture), here you’ll find original manuscripts, rare books, letters, and more from authors like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. Founded in 2003, the museums has over 1,000 pieces of memorabilia including Ginsber’s typewriter and a first edition copy of Kerouac’s novel The Town and the City. They also hold regular events so check the website to see if anything is happening during your visit.

540 Broadway, +1 800-537-6822, Open daily from 10am-7pm. Admission is $8 USD.

19. Learn at the Exploratorium

This interactive science museum has all kinds of exhibitions covering biology, gravity, light, animation, and much more. It’s very hands-on so it’s the perfect stop for anyone traveling with kids (though there are also adult-specific exhibitions too).

Pier 15, +1 415-528-4444, Open Tuesday–Sunday from 10am-5pm. Admission is $29.95 USD.

20. Hang Out in Golden Gate Park

This massive park covers over 1,000 acres, making it 20% bigger than Central Park in NYC. Inside, you’ll find a Japanese garden, an arboretum, a museum, and lots of hiking and walking trails. Walking from end to end takes the better half a day. In the summer, it’s a popular spot to picnic, go for a stroll, and soak up the sun. Even though it sees over 24 million visitors each year, it’s never too hard to find a secluded spot for yourself.

21. Catch a Game

Oracle Arena in San Francisco at night full of fans
San Francisco locals love their sports teams, especially the Giants (their baseball team). If you’re in town during a game, be sure to head to Oracle Arena and take in the spectacle — it doesn’t get more American than this! The team is one of the longest-established and most successful in the league and you can get tickets for under $10 USD.

22. Visit the Cable Car Museum

When the cable cars launched in 1873, they were hugely popular and they changed the face of the city. To learn more and see all kinds of photos and relics from a bygone era, including some of the original cars, head to this museum. It’s not huge but it’s fun and insightful.

1201 Mason Street, +1 415-474-1887, Open daily from 10am-5pm (6pm in the summer). Admission is free.

23. Tour Wine Country

A glass of wine being poured on a table outside in Napa Valley, USA
If you love wine and have time to leave the city, visit the world-famous Napa and Sonoma wine regions. Napa is one of the world’s leading wine-producing area and every year over 3 million people come to taste their way around the region. Located just over an hour from the city by car, there are plenty of companies that organize day trips to Napa Valley (usually for between $99-150 USD per person). However, day tours are usually a bit rushed. If you have the time, rent a car and stay overnight.

24. Enjoy the View from Twin Peaks

For another panoramic view of the city, drive or hike up to the top of Twin Peaks. Standing 925 feet high, you’ll get a sweeping 360-degree view of the city. Come for sunset and enjoy the view. There are also lots of trails weaving around the mountains so you can hike for a couple of hours here if you wanted.

25. Take a Food Tour

This city is known for its food. If you want to cast a wide culinary net and try a lot of different foods, consider taking a food tour. Here are a few companies worth checking out if you’re considering:

  • Wild SF Tours – A tasty food crawl of Chinatown and Little Italy where you can try dim sum, pizza, craft cocktail-inspired boba milk tea, and cannoli. Tickets from $69.
  • Secret Food Tours – Sample the best of the Mission District, including burritos, oysters, ice cream, and more! Tickets from $79 USD.
  • TasteBud Tours – A culinary exploration of Little Italy that stops off at 7 different local restaurants. Tickets from $68.50.


26. Day Trip to Oakland

Just across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco is Oakland. It’s considered the “Brooklyn” to San Francisco’s “Manhattan.” In recent years, Oakland has developed a niche for and craft beer and specialty restaurants. There are tons of bars and breweries, and they even have their own “Ale Trail” if you want to wander the city and sample its best drinks.

You can also visit Oakland Redwood Regional Park, Lake Merritt, or catch a baseball game at Oakland Coliseum. There’s a lot you can do in Oakland and you can easily spend a day or more here!

27. Visit the Asian Art Museum

This is one of the most comprehensive collections of Asian art in the world. The museum houses almost 20,000 items in its collection and you can get a free guided tour to walk you through all the highlights and special exhibits that the museum has to offer. There are both modern art exhibitions as well as historical artifacts and artwork. Check the website to see what temporary exhibitions are available during your visit.

200 Larkin St., +1 415-581-3500, Open Tuesday-Sunday from 10am-5pm (9pm on Thursdays). Admission is $15 USD.

28. Take a Quirky Tour or Visit a Weird Museum

San Francisco is an eclectic city to say the least so it should come as no surprise that there are a lot of unique tours and museums here. Some of the more fun and interesting tours options are:

  • San Francisco Love Tours – Explore the city in a hand painted VW bus and learn about San Francisco’s counter-culture icons while listening to hippie music from the Summer of Love. Tours from $45 USD.
  • GoCar Tours – Whip around the city in a go kart and see the sights as you bomb down hills (including the winding Lombard Street). Tours from $120 USD.

And, for weird / offbeat museums, visit:

  • The Antique Vibrator Museum – See what sex toys from the 1800s looks like!
  • The Gregangelo Museum – This “museum” is bursting with all kinds of weird decorations, themed rooms, secret passageways, hidden rooms, and all sorts of weird art and interior design.
  • The Peephole Cinema – Watch short silent films through a tiny public peephole in the Mission District.
  • Musée Mécanique – A collection of over 300 old arcade games from the 20th century.

While San Francisco may be known for its high cost of living, there are tons of fun things to see and do in the city that won’t break the bank. With a little planning and creativity, you can enjoy your time in San Francisco without going over budget.

And whether you’re looking for museums, nature, food, or nightlife, this city will not disappoint.

Book Your Trip to San Francisco: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My suggested place is the The Green Tortoise. It’s the best hostel in the city. It has free breakfast, pub crawls, and dinners three times a week.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Need a Guide?
San Francisco has some really great tours on offer. For an in-depth walking tour, check out Take Walks. They use expert local guides and have a super insightful (and fun) tour through Chinatown.

For something more hands-on like a segway tour, use Fat Tire Tours. They have a few different tours around the city and are a great alternative to a standard walking tour.

Looking for More Information on Visiting San Francisco?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to San Francisco with more tips on what to see and do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post 28 Things to See and Do in San Francisco appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 24, 2020 at 04:44PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

We Launched A New Patreon!!!

Nomadic Matt in Hawaii
Posted: 03/18/20 | March 18th, 2020

Since mid-February, Coronavirus has spread uncontrollably around the world. Many countries are on complete lockdown. People are quarantined in their homes. We have an unprecedented shutdown of human movement around the world.

This is a “Black Swan” event, an unpredictable turn of events that will undoubtedly change the world. It’s going to leave a mark on society and reshape how we interact, work, and conduct ourselves (maybe people will finally start washing their hands more).

One of the (many) direct consequences of this rapid spread to Pandemic levels is that it has shut down the entire travel industry, an industry that relies specifically on the movement of people to exist.

Right now, no one should travel. We need to flatten the curve, reduce the transmission of this disease, and ensure we do not overwhelm our healthcare systems.

No country can afford to repeat Italy’s experience. We must all do our part, no matter how hard it is.

The world will be waiting for us when this is all over.

But, like everyone else in travel, we have been hit really bad. The team and I become increasingly worried as the days go by and our traffic and revenue fall to zero.

These are dark times.

And we have you.

And want to turn to you, our beloved community, especially as a number of you have asked how you can support the site during this time of uncertainty.
Today, we have a way:

We are launching a Patreon!

A Patreon is a members-only subscription service where you’ll get exclusive perks like:

  • Monthly Q&As
  • Signed books
  • Access to all our events
  • Planning calls with me
  • Postcards
  • Calls with the team
  • Private Instagram postings and blog posts.

This isn’t going to be asking for a handout. You’ll get behind the scenes access and content exclusive to you every month.

Just go to our new Patreon page, pick your subscription level, and you’re in!

We’ll start sending messages and arranging everything this week. (And, yes, we’ll keep this going even after the crisis has subsided.)

Situations like this make you look at things differently. We were already moving towards a more community-centric model with our events. The Coronavirus is just expediting that process and this new membership program is the next phase of that.

These are really hard times in the travel industry. This is a really hard time for us.

But we have you – and that’s what matters. The team and I really appreciate anything you can do to help us ride out the storm. We’re going keep trucking on and creating content that you can use for when we can travel again.

Thank you so much for everything and for helping us get through this weird period of time!

– Nomadic Matt

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!

The post We Launched A New Patreon!!! appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 18, 2020 at 06:50PM

by IHholiday Travel trip