lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Introducing a Brand New Awesome Nomadic Matt (Plus Some Announcements)

new site design for nomadic matt
For close to three years, this website had the same design. When it came out, I loved it but over the course of those three years, the website has grown with a new forum, destination guides, new books, sections, and much more.

To accommodate all that, I haphazardly added new sections of the website using a variety of designers. Nothing was really uniform.

The website needed a change – something with a more up to date and clean look that better integrated all the moving parts.

After months of designing, coding, and testing, today is the release of a super duper awesome brand new website design! Just look at it! It’s beautiful. I’m super excited about it and think it’s the best design yet. I love looking at my site!

I think it will do a lot to improve your user experience and make it easier to find the information you’re looking for.

Here are the new features:

  • A simplified navigation bar that floats as you scroll down.
  • A brand new homepage that gives you better access to resources, books, and the forum.
  • Related posts for easier access to older blog posts.
  • A more prominent topics section, with a search bar, in the sidebar for easier navigation.
  • Larger images on the website to make it prettier.
  • A sidebar on the getting started page so you can get to other topics in that section easier.
  • Large images for the destination page to make it more visual.
  • Added books and resources to the destination page.
  • A more organized resource page.
  • Jump buttons on individual destination pages so you can get to the section you want easier.

Plus, I made everything bigger, more visual, and more uniform.

Have a look around and let me know what you think.

If you find any bugs, please let me know. There are still a few kinks to work out as well as some images that need to be swapped over but I’m interested to hear your feedback.

Some other news
As many of you know, I have a virtual “book club”. Once a month, I send a list of 3-5 book recommendations. I’ve been doing it since the beginning of the year and it helps me stay committed to my “at least a book per week” New Year’s resolution. (You can join the club here if you’re looking for books to add to your reading list!)

Starting next month, I’ll be doing virtual hangouts where we will talk a specific book (like a true book club). Our first book is Vagabonding by Rolf Potts and we’ll be doing the hangout next week on July 7th. I’ll have details up on the forum in few days but if you’ve read the book (or can read it by then), come join us next week! Here’s my interview with Rolf if you want to know more!

I’ll be in Boulder (7/8) and Oklahoma City (7/9) next week and hosting events in each city. Here’s more information on that too!

The post Introducing a Brand New Awesome Nomadic Matt (Plus Some Announcements) appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

June 29, 2015 at 05:34PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

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