lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

The 2017 Reader Survey: How can I make this better for your?

Photo of open on a laptop in a hostel in Iceland
Hi all,

Just a short post today. Every so often, I like to survey the community to get a sense of what’s working and what’s not. After all, I work for you and — as the site has grown from being a little personal blog into this massive travel community — checking in lets me prioritize improvements and understand what you like and how you feel.

Over the last year, this website has really grown. There are now three full-time employees, a huge forum, a travel media school, a ton of city guidebooks, and a brand-new updated and expanded destination guide section*. We’ve been updating old content and added more guest writers. It was a big year for a lot of the behind-the scenes-stuff. And a lot of it is because of your suggestions from last year’s survey! So thank you for giving me ideas and feedback on how to make this site more user-friendly!

This year, I have some exciting things planned:

  • The return of “Nomadic Matt” group tours! (Announcement coming soon!)
  • New regular columnists, with a focus on LGBT, tech, and Africa travel
  • A multi-nation, multi-city series of in-person meetups and planning sessions
  • A possible conference
  • Community challenges
  • More contests and giveaways!

I know last year many of you were like, “Matt, another guide and course? Come on, dude! Seriously. What’s going on here?”

I’m with you. I went a little overboard on products last year, but they were on the back burner for so long that I just wanted them out there at once – and I was finally in one place enough to write them all! I assure you this year won’t see any more of that. My focus this year is on the community and getting back to that good place that I think was a little lost in my effort to get the “business” right.

So, as we start all these community- and reader-focused projects, I want to know what’s working and not working for you so we can improve our focus and content.

With that, I would appreciate it if you filled out this short survey. It will take only five minutes of your time and I take these responses very seriously. Over the years, your feedback has led to many useful improvements and made this website and community better! I read every response, right down every suggestion, and work my butt off to try to implement them into the website. This website is about you and I want to make you happy.

These surveys are incredibly important to me and I greatly value your feedback.

—->Click here to take the five-minute feedback survey!

So please take five minutes and tell me what you like or what changes you would like to see! And please, be brutally honest. I won’t be hurt. I want to know if there’s anything wrong or missing so I can fix it – and telling me is the only way I can fix things!

Thank you!

– Matt

*If you helped us fact check the destination guides, you’ll be hearing from us shortly! It took us way longer than we thought to update them so we’re just now replying to everyone and sending out the gifts! Sorry! 🙁

P.S. – Looking for another way to kick start your new year? Over at the forums, we are doing our quarterly Travel Action Challenge, where you win prizes (like a $100 USD gift card) !

P.P.S. – If you would like to help underprivileged students travel more, we’re currently fundraising for a group of students to go volunteer in Ecuador. Help us reach our goal, change someone’s life by exposing them to the world of travel, and get some travel swag in the process. It’s a trip win!

The post The 2017 Reader Survey: How can I make this better for your? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

January 16, 2017 at 03:42PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

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