lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

What Lies Ahead: Upcoming Blogs, Projects, and More!

an open road

Hey travel lover!

I know it’s been super quiet on the blog and social media over the past month and there’s good reason for that! Today, I wanted to give a little update on the going on behind the scenes and what to expect in the coming months!

First, fret not, there are a ton of new articles coming! I sent seven first drafts off to my editor yesterday for a read. One will go up Thursday and, after that, I have content to take us into May! I’m super proud of the new posts! Upcoming articles include how to experience 1920s Paris, what’s the best hotel booking site, the cheapest way to get around Southern Africa, how to be an au pair, how to create themes when you travel, a new long post on budget travel, tips for the upcoming European travel season, and a lot more.

So get ready!

But why the lack of blogs/replying to comments/social media?

First, I moved. Not out of Austin but to a new apartment with a friend so that took up a few days, especially since it was in the middle of the famous SXSW festival, when most of the roads are closed.

Second, that’s another reason why I’ve been behind. I had friends in town and gave two talks during the festival and, basically during SXSW, you just don’t get anything done since there are so many events to attend!

Additionally, we are short staffed at the hostel so I’ve had to bee there a lot. We’re currently looking for a manager and a few volunteers so if you’re interested in a free place to stay and hanging out in Austin, email for more information! (Note: We do NOT sponsor visas and inquires about us sponsoring your work visa will just get deleted!)

And, while blogs haven’t been happening, a lot of other stuff has:

1. I’m currently on the Nomadic Network tour doing a series of events and talks around the country. Be sure to come to one of the events over the next few weeks! You can click here to find out where I’m going and how to join! (If there’s a waitlist, don’t worry! We’re opening more spots and people keep dropping out!)

2. I launched/wrote a lot of new destination guides so that consumed a lot of my time! (These take awhile to create!) Be sure to check out the new guides to Malta, Laos, South Africa, Finland, and Czech Republic, and Poland! (If you feel I missed anything, let me know!)

3. Finally, what has been consuming a lot of my time, is a new book proposal! I’m looking to write another book this year and I just wrapped up the proposal! I’m not going to share what it is about yet but it will be very different from my last one (and something not found on this blog)! Fingers crossed!

Coming up, besides new blogs and the Nomadic Network tour, I’ll be doing tours in May and June!

We’re keeping busy over but a lot of more great stuff is coming soon! 🙂

– Matt

The post What Lies Ahead: Upcoming Blogs, Projects, and More! appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

March 20, 2017 at 02:00PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

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