lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Cyber Monday: All Books and Courses Up to 50% Off!

A man looking at a mountain
Are you looking to get into the travel industry? Well, you’re in luck. Though I don’t talk about it often (well, at least compared to my books), I have a travel media school called Superstar Blogging, with courses on blogging, photography, vlogging/YouTube, and travel writing.

Today, we’re releasing a couple massive updates to the courses. Based on reader feedback, changes in the industry, and updated best practices, we update the courses every year to ensure that they have the best and most current information possible on how to succeed in the travel industry.

And, because it’s also Cyber Monday, we’re heavily discounting the courses too! It’s a double win! Also, all my ebooks will be on sale too! Triple win!

First, you can get all my e-books and guides 50% off for the next 24 hours. You’ll get all my destination guides plus my guide to travel hacking and teaching English overseas. My guides take what you love about this site and supercharge it. The destination guides include all my favorite hostels, restaurants, and bars — spots you probably won’t find listed elsewhere – as things to see in ado in each place. They go into a level of depth not found on the website and help you be the best traveler in any destination! They are written for budget travelers and those wanting to get off the beaten track when they travel.

As Edward said about my Thailand guide, “One of the best things about Matt’s book is that it avoids all the frivolous details that so many travel guides have nowadays. This book gets straight to the point – and helps you avoid all the tourist traps. I went to Thailand not knowing what to expect and reading this guide eased my fears. It was like a cheat sheet to best the country had to show me. There was never a moment I felt “lost.” This was a great guide and I definitely plan to buy more.”

My travel hacking guide will help you unlock the mystery of points and miles and have traveling first class for free in no time. Travel hacking is what makes constant travel affordable. As Rusty said, “Matt’s guide has unlocked a whole new way to travel. His book was an eye-opener — it explained the concept and language of travel hacking in a way that is easy to read and understand. Since buying his book six months ago, I have accumulated nearly 300,000 points. Now, I’m repeating the steps for my wife so we can have double the miles for our future trips!”

And the teaching English book will help you get a job, teach overseas, pay off your debt, and have a life changing experience. Teaching overseas was one of the best things I’ve done in my life.

Clic here to get the deal right away or click here to learn more and see all the books included!

Now, to the courses:

The Business of Blogging

There’s a seemingly endless pool of travel blogs out there. Every day hundreds of people think, “Hey, I travel, so I’m going to start a blog and try to make a living out of this like all these people I see online.”

While there are plenty of blogs, there’s not a lot of well-run blogs, which gives you plenty of opportunity to succeed. You need to be like the cook who says, “This place is good, but I can do better” and then opens up a successful restaurant!

Imagine being able to share your experience with the world. Imagine setting your own schedule, traveling wherever — and whenever — you want, inspiring others to travel — and getting paid to do it. Wouldn’t it be great if you could turn your love of travel into a paying gig while helping others at the same time?

In this course, I am here to be your mentor and walk you through the entire process of establishing a successful blog. Think of me as your training wheels.

I’ll take you behind the curtain: you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how I run my website; never-before-seen screenshots of my systems; and my tips, tricks, and blogging advice.

With this update version of the course, you’ll also get:

  • Expanded advice on choosing a blog name, picking a niche, and developing your brand. Since many students got tripped up on this part of the process, we added some tips and checklists so you can do this quicker and better.
  • An expanded section on setting up a newsletter, with added screenshots and guides so you can install your newsletter easily
  • An updated and expanded section on making e-books, including how to come up with an idea, write and edit your book, and set the price
  • A new way to design and write your product pages to increase the number of people who purchase your book
  • An added section on influencer marketing and how to succeed at it
  • An added section on setting up a shopping cart
  • An added section on how to network at conferences
  • Added sections on basic HTML and CSS coding (we’ll help you master tech)
  • Added sections on how you can adjust your theme

We’ve updated all our videos and screenshots; created new walk-throughs, charts, and visual aids; and reorganized the content so the course is structured in a more logical order.

Additionally, we now have monthly office hours during which I’ll answer your questions and give feedback over the phone.

This update continues to make our program the most robust and informative out there. It will teach you how to run a sustainable business and succeed in the world of travel media for the long haul.

The course is normally $299 but, as part of our Cyber Monday deal, this course is 33% off for the next 24 hours.

Buy now for one payment of $199 OR Buy now for 3 payments of $66

OR learn more about the course:

The Art of Travel Vlogging

People love video. It’s engaging and exciting. Video makes everything seem more real and alive. Humans are visual creatures, and video gives us a special connection to what and who we are watching.

If you’ve been thinking about getting into the travel video world, NOW is the time to kick-start your career making travel videos. Video is the wave of the future in the travel industry.

The course is taught in conjuction with two travel vlogging superstars: Nadine from Hey Nadine and Kristin from Hopscotch the Globe.They will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how they make and edit incredible content on YouTube (and explain why they included certain footage and why some ended up on the cutting room floor), and learn how they have masterfully connected with bigger stars, brands, and their readers, monetizing their channel while getting paid to travel the world.

Through video instruction, step-by-step guides, photo and video examples, and at-home exercises, this course will give you a complete understanding of how to succeed with video online.

In this course, we’ll teach you everything you need to know:

  • What gear to use and why, so you don’t spend unnecessary money
  • What to do to keep your gear safe
  • How to be on the right side of the law by understanding permits
  • How to scout locations, plan shots, and film videos, as Nadine and Kristin take you behind the scenes of their show
  • How to paint a visual story that others want to watch
  • How to get over shyness and become a captivating host with proven tips and advice
  • The secrets to growing your channel faster with interviews
  • How to edit your videos, as Kristin and Nadine walk you through how they edit theirs in Adobe Premier and Final Cut Pro
  • How to increase viewership through networking, marketing, and social media. Learn where to spend your time and where NOT to spend your time.
  • What to do and what not to do when connecting with influencers (a vital part of any YouTuber’s career)
  • Successful ways to make money — collaborating with brands and tourism boards, and creating your own products — including videos on monetization

The course is normally $299 but, as part of our Cyber Monday deal, this course is 33% off for the next 24 hours.

Buy now for $199 OR Buy now for 3 payments of $66

OR learn more about the course:

Our Photography and Writing Courses

Additionally, our photography course is 25% off (only $79) and our writing course is 40% off (only $299). Just click on the links to take advantage of those deals too!


There’s never going to be a moment when you have enough time. If you wait for the perfect moment to start your blog, you’ll be waiting forever. And you’ll always be wondering “what if…”

But with lifetime access to these courses, you’ll have plenty of time to turn what you love into something more.

I know when you are new to blogging, spending a couple hundred dollars on a course is not the easiest thing in the world. I remember when I started blogging and was making zero money. But what is your time worth? Would you rather waste it trying to figure it out yourself — and probably getting it wrong — or pay to get the right information right away so you can save time, work smarter, and start earning quicker?

Many people think all they need is information. They say things like, “I could find that information for free!” or “I found this other free mini-course. That’s all I need.”

Sure, there’s tons of free information on the web.

But if all someone needed was information, wouldn’t everyone be a wild success? Why would we need doctors when we have WebMD? Mechanics when we have YouTube? Universities when you have a podcast? I could read a book on gardening, but that doesn’t mean I’d be a world-class gardener.

No, you need more than information. You need someone who can make sense of it. Someone who can guide you, answer your questions, give advice, help you problem-solve and distill all that information, and speed up your success.

That’s what we do with these courses. We are your mentors. We take your through the vast amount of information out there, show you what works and what doesn’t so you save time, avoid making mistakes, and supercharge your journey to success.

So take advantage of my Cyber Monday sale and get started! The sale end tomorrow at 10am EST.

P.S. – Don’t forget you can get all my e-books and guides for $49.99 for the next 24 hours too. That’s a 50% savings! Click the link here to get the deal or click here to learn more!

The post Cyber Monday: All Books and Courses Up to 50% Off! appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

November 27, 2017 at 03:09PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

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