miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

The Saturday City: Singapore

Singapore Garden by the Bay
Updated: 8/8/2018 | August 8th, 2018

I’m going to be completely honest: Singapore wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. Given its image as a hyper-clean, hyper-lawful place, I expected a very regimented, orderly, clean, and police-heavy city.

I found none of that.

In fact, in three days wandering the city I never once saw anything that looked like a police officer or even a security guard. Then again, laws in Singapore are harsh — very harsh — which is probably why there is no need to keep a large police presence on the street.

Despite the city being much different than I expected, the city was a lot of fun. Singapore is often described as a three-day city, as most people hit the few main sites and think there isn’t anything else to see. While the city didn’t scream exciting, crazy, or action-packed to me, one could easily spend a week in Singapore and still find a lot to do.

The city can be walked in a solid day (or leisurely in two). There’s a good mix of colonial-style buildings, low-rise houses, and high-rise modern office towers. The wide streets, clean air, and large buildings make for a very nice walk. You can walk from Little Arabia to Chinatown in about 45 minutes, and that stretch pretty much encompasses most of the central area of the city. If you want to be adventurous, you could walk out into the suburbs, but there’s no real reason to.

the skyline of singapore at night

Singapore gets very hot but, luckily, there is a whole underground network of air conditioned malls and “streets” that connect the downtown area. You can stay cool, do a bit of shopping, do some eating, and just meander until you’re ready to hit the sweaty streets again.

Besides being known for strict rules, Singapore is also known for its food. Little India and Chinatown are two of the most famous foodie parts of the city. You’ll find great dim sum, noodles, beef, and other Chinese delicacies in Chinatown. Over in Little India, you’ll find a little slice of Asia. From what I’ve been told, it’s the closest you can get to India without actually being there. Try the places on the main street where everyone eats with their hands. It’s an enjoyable experience. Just make sure you know whether it is OK to eat with your hands. Otherwise, the proprietors will start to give you dirty looks if you dig in with your fingers instead of the silverware they provide. Not that I speak from experience or anything…

For your final meal, head to what I dub “Little Arabia,” a section of town near the mosque that is filled with great Malay and Arab food. If you are looking for more high-end eats, there are tons of fancier restaurants all over the city. The city really is a gastronomical dream, so don’t hesitate to over indulge.

Tiger at zoo in Singapore
The big attraction in Singapore is the zoo. The Singapore Zoo is famous for its breadth, as well as its natural habitats and good animal treatment. The Zoo is a bit outside the city center and takes about an hour to get to by public transport. But it is worth it. There are lions and tigers and bears from around the world, as well as elephants, zebras, monkeys, and much more. The animals aren’t kept behind bars, but are separated from visitors by large gulleys, making it a better environment for everyone. This, however, doesn’t keep the monkeys in one place, and you can see them swinging all over the zoo. This makes for a more natural experience and allows you to really get up close to the animals. There’s also an excellent night safari, where you can see some of the creatures of the night. Both adventures will hit the wallet hard, though. Admission to the zoo is 35 SGD per person, while the night safari is 47 SGD per person (discounts for kids are available). This is probably the best thing to do in the city, so if you’re going to spend money on something, I’d make it this.

Some other activities worth checking out are:

  • Visit the National Art Gallery
  • Go swimming (there are public pools everywhere!)
  • Watch an F1 night race
  • Indulge at a spa
  • Go scuba diving
  • Visit the ArtScience Museum
  • Take a walking tour or a food tour

Fountain in downtown Singapore
For those wanting some excitement, Sentosa Island just south of the mainland (connected via the train) is a good place to party on the beach and indulge in some luxury. I didn’t make it there for lack of time, but all the big clubs are located there, as well as a few big hotels, a beach, and some parks. Every December they also host one of the biggest parties in Southeast Asia – ZoukOut. It’s an all night beach rave. Clearly, you can have some fun in Singapore if that’s what you’re looking for!

In the end, Singapore met my expectations — just in in a different way. While it wasn’t as orderly as I expected, it was the foodie destinations I hoped it would be and there was enough to keep me busy for a a few days. On a backpacker budget you can alsmost manage here on $50 a day if you pick your activities wisely. Would I spend a long period of time here? I doubt it. But for a short stay, Singapore makes a great Saturday City.

Book Your Trip to Singapore: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight to Singapore by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines. Start with Momondo.

Book Your Accommodation
If you’re looking for a hostel in Singapore, use Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates. (Here’s the proof.)

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. I never ever go on a trip without it. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. You should too.

Need Some Gear?
Check out our resource page for the best companies to use!

Want More Information on Singapore?
Be sure to visit our robust Singapore guide for even more planning tips!

The post The Saturday City: Singapore appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

August 08, 2018 at 03:00PM

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