domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2019

Is Costa Rica Safe to Visit?

a volcano surrounded by mountains and jungle in Costa Rica
Posted: 11/3/2019 | November 3rd, 2019

Tropical jungles bursting with wildlife, mountainous landscapes extending into the horizon, picture-perfect beaches on both sides of the country, and a never-ending supply of fun activities no matter your budget.

Costa Rica is a nature-lover’s paradise — and it’s one of my favorite countries in the world too. It was the first country I ever traveled to and it was the country that sparked my wanderlust.

The beaches feel like paradise, there’s great surfing, diving, and plenty of places to get away from the hordes of retired Americans that live here. No matter what your interest, there are tons of things to see and do in Costa Rica without breaking the bank.

But is Costa Rica safe to visit?

The country was fortunate to escape the Cold War conflicts and brutal gang violence that impacted other countries in Central America. However, in recent years, Costa Rica has become more involved in drug trafficking and money laundering.

But the country is super safe for tourists. At worst, you’ll get scammed for a few bucks. I mean the country is so safe it doesn’t even have an army!

While Costa Rica is one of the safest countries for travel and backpacking in Central America, that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Here are some tips to guarantee a safe and stress-free experience:

1. Avoid isolated areas – If you’re somewhere isolated, you’ll be at a greater risk for getting robbed, especially at night and in big cities. Try to stay where the crowds are. That’s the best way to avoid being singled out by potential muggers.

2. Don’t wear flashy items – Petty theft is common here, so remove any jewelry or watches, and don’t wave your phone around. Do your best to blend in, so you don’t become a target for pickpockets. If you happen to find yourself a victim of a robbery, follow the instructions of the robber and give up your valuables; these material items can be replaced but your life cannot.

3. Don’t leave your items unattended – If you are spending the day on the beaches in Puerto ViejoSanta Theresa, or Manuel Antonio, do not leave your belongings unattended while swimming or walking along the sand; locals or tourists alike can easily take your valuables if you leave them around. Just take what you need with you and nothing more.

4. Be alert when using public transportation – Petty theft (including bag snatching) is the most common type of crime you’ll face in Costa Rica. Most of the theft in Costa Rica occurs while taking the bus. Keep your bag containing valuables and identification on your lap and stay vigilant.

5. Always take an authorized taxi – Crimes against cab riders are infrequent here but it’s best you use a licensed taxi. Also, pay close attention to the meter and make sure it’s running. Cab drivers can turn the meter off and claim it’s broken (a common scam, see below).

6. Buy travel insurance – This is especially important if you plan to join in on activities like ziplining, white water rafting, or surfing. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past.

We recommend World Nomads for travelers under 70, while Insure My Trip is the best choice for travelers over 70.

For more information on tarvel insurance, check out these posts:

How to Avoid Scams in Costa Rica

There are really only two common scams found in Costa Rica:

1. Taxi Scam
You hop into a taxi and realize the meter isn’t running. You mention this to the driver and their response is the meter is “broken,” and quotes you a price that is outrageously high. Or you might notice that the meter is working but the fare is increasing faster than a running cheetah.

Do your research and get an idea of how much a ride should cost from your hostel or hotel staff before hailing a taxi. In my experience, if the cabbie tries to negotiate the rate, I use the rate quoted to me and if they refuse, I get out and find someone who will turn the meter on. If the meter looks as though it’s rising unusually fast, ask the driver to pull over and get out immediately.

2. The “Cheap Tour” Scam
You’re exploring the sites and sounds of the city and a well-mannered, nicely dressed person approaches you and asks if you’re looking to go on a tour. They do a fantastic job describing the most unforgettable trip you’ll ever take in your life, and at a fraction of the cost of other tour companies. You’re sold and hand them a deposit. You wait the next day for them to pick you up, but no one shows up. You realize there was no amazing tour at 50% less; you’d been tricked.

To avoid this scam only use authorized companies when booking tours. Your hostel/hotel can always help you, and if you plan to book through a tour company check their online reviews ahead of time. Never trust someone trying to sell you a tour on the street who does not have an official office or storefront.

These scams are the most common ones you’ll face while in Costa Rica. If you’re worried about scams, read this post on travel scams to avoid. Avoiding travel scams requires a lot of common sense and a healthy dose of suspicion.

Zika Risk in Costa Rica

While there are no reports of a Zika outbreak in the country, Costa Rica has had reported cases of the Zika virus. While risks are low, travelers are advised to take the following precautions:

  • Use mosquito repellent on your body to prevent bites and sleep under a mosquito net to avoid getting bit while when you’re asleep
  • Wear breathable garments that cover your arms and legs (if you’re wondering what you should apply first, apply sunscreen first followed by repellent).
  • Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible to prevent mosquitos from entering your room
  • Pregnant women or couples considering pregnancy should consult a healthcare practitioner prior to travel

FAQ on Costa Rica Safety

Here are the most common questions I get asked about staying safe in Costa Rica (and my answers to them):

Is Street Food in Costa Rica Safe?

In Costa Rica, street food is safe to eat and not to be missed! I’ve had my fair share of empanadas, fresh fruits from open markets, and other local foods and have been perfectly fine.

That being said, if something doesn’t look cooked through (such as chicken) or has been out in the sun for too long, then trust your gut and don’t eat it. But I would encourage you to try the street food as it’s the best way to experience the cuisine and support local businesses (plus, it’s cheap!)

Is the Tap Water Safe to Drink in Costa Rica?

The tap water in Costa Rica is safe to drink, however, it’s recommended that you avoid drinking the tap water in most beach destinations. The best way to make sure your drinking water is safe is to bring a SteriPen or LifeStraw for your reusable water bottle. This way you’ll be able to purify the tap water so you don’t get sick — and avoid using single-use plastic bottles in the process.

Are Taxis in Costa Rica Safe?

The taxis in Costa Rica are safe and reliable, though you’ll always want to make sure you’re getting in an authorized taxi. During the day, you can hail a taxi from the street safely, but make sure you pay attention that the meter is turned on and running properly.

If you’re taking a taxi at night it’s best to have your accommodation call it for you. That will ensure you get a reputable company. Never hail a random taxi at night.

As mentioned earlier, taxi drivers will occasionally try to take advantage of travelers by overcharging them. Always remain alert and if anything feels suspicious ask the driver to stop the cab and get out. Don’t take any chances with your safety.

Is Costa Rica Safe for Solo Travelers?

Costa Rica is a safe country to visit for solo travelers. As long as you stay away from isolated areas, don’t wave your valuables around, and don’t travel alone at night you will be able to avoid the most common dangerous situations.

Additionally, be sure to download offline maps and an offline language app (like Google Translate) so you can look up directions if you get lost or communicate with the locals in an emergency. If you can, try to learn some Spanish before you go too. Even a few key phrases can go a long way!

Is Costa Rica Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Costa Rica is one of the safest countries in Central America so if you’re new to solo female travel, Costa Rica is a great country to start with. However, you’ll still need to take some precautions of course. Always avoid isolated locations and don’t travel alone after dark. If you happen to experience cat calling or harassment from strangers on the street, be confident, avoid eye contact, and walk away.

Solo female travelers will want to remain extra vigilant at bus terminals, bars, and taxi stands where harassment is more common. When traveling around the city, ask your hotel what the safest route is and also which areas you should avoid. Also, avoid taking taxis at night — especially by yourself.

By taking some precautions and planning accordingly, solo female travelers will be able to have a memorable time in Costa Rica. Just make sure to follow the advice and tips above!

Here are helpful posts on safety written by our solo female travel experts:


With any tourist destination, you’ll run into people trying to pull fast ones on visitors. By using caution, common sense, and following the tips above, you’ll be able to stay safe and healthy during your visit to Costa Rica.

Book Your Trip to Costa Rica: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
To find the best budget accommodation, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the most comprehensive inventory. Some of my favorite places to stay in Costa Rica:

  • Arenal Backpackers Resort – This is a luxurious, laid-back hsotel with a pool that’s great for hanging out and meeting people.
  • Rocking J’s (Puerto Viejo) – The coolest hostel in all the country. This hostel located on the beach is the prime spot to meet other backpackers.
  • Hostel Vista Serena (Manuel Antonio) – With great ammenities, staff, and a pime location, it’s the best place in the area.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Want More Information on Costa Rica?
Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Costa Rica for even more planning tips!

The post Is Costa Rica Safe to Visit? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

November 03, 2019 at 01:48PM

by IHholiday Travel trip

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